Continue Disciples


  • James the son of Zebedee, often called James the Greater, to distinguish him from the other apostle named James, was a member of Christ’s inner circle, which included his brother, the apostle John, and Peter. James was one of the first apostles.
  • Not only did James and John earn a special nickname from the Lord — “sons of thunder” — they were privileged to be at the front and center of three supernatural events in the life of Christ. In addition to these honors, James was the first of the twelve to be martyred for his faith in A.D. 44.
  • Personality is unknown/killed by King Herod by a sword. Acts 12:1-2
  • Lesson Learn: Stood Firm in the face of Persecution.


    • The apostle John, brother to James, was nicknamed by Jesus one of the “sons of thunder,” but he liked to call himself “the disciple whom Jesus loved.”
    • With his fiery temperament and special devotion to the Savior, he gained favor and was place in Christ’s inner circle.
    • John’s enormous impact on the early Christian church and his larger-than-life personality, make him a fascinating character study.
    • His writings reveal contrasting traits. For instance, on the first Easter morning, with his typical zeal and enthusiasm, John raced Peter to the tomb after Mary Magdalene reported that it was now empty.
    • Although John won the race and bragged about this achievement in his Gospel (John 20:1-9), he humbly allowed Peter to enter the tomb first.
    • According to tradition, John outlived all of the disciples, dying of old age in Ephesus, where he preached a gospel of love and taught against heresy.
    • Although John won the race and bragged about this achievement in his Gospel (John 20:1-9), he humbly allowed Peter to enter the tomb first.
    • According to tradition, John outlived all of the disciples, dying of old age in Ephesus, where he preached a gospel of love and taught against heresy.  
  • Key Lessons:  God’s love, evident in Jesus Christ, saves, transforms and unites all believers.


  • When the apostle Philip called him to come and meet the Messiah, Nathanael was skeptical, but he followed along anyway.
  • As Philip introduced him to Jesus, the Lord declared, “Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.” Immediately Nathanael wanted to know, “How do you know me?”
  • Jesus got his attention when he answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” Well, that stopped Nathanael in his tracks. Shocked and surprised he declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.”
  • The third disciple called by Jesus. John 1:43
  • Informed Jesus that several Greeks want to see him. John 12:20-22
  • Asked Jesus to show him the father. John 14:8-9*
  • Key Lesson: All the knowledge in the world does not compare to the truth found in Jesus.

Nathanael or Bartholomew

  • When the apostle Philip called him to come and meet the Messiah, Nathanael was skeptical, but he followed along anyway.
  • As Philip introduced him to Jesus, the Lord declared, “Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.” Immediately Nathanael wanted to know, “How do you know me?”
  • Jesus got his attention when he answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” Well, that stopped Nathanael in his tracks. Shocked and surprised he declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.”
  • The name Nathanael derives from the Hebrew meaning “God has given.”
  • Nathanael garnered only a few lines in the Gospels, nevertheless, in that instant he became a loyal follower of Jesus Christ.
  • He was considered skeptical (john 1:46),Honest (John 1:47), Faithful (John 1:49).
  • Witnessed the miraculous catch of fish and eat breakfast with Jesus after his resurrection.    John 21:2-7*Key Lesson:    Believers are called to test all things with Scriptures and remain true to its principles


Sunday- August 25, 2019

Sunday Service

Offering Worship services every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Vineyard Elementary School
2121 Vineyard Dr
Templeton, CA 93465

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