Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Life End When You least Expected It

Life is short and we must make the best and most out of it.  Sometime we may think or act as if we will never die.  The real reality is, we will die one day, we just do not know when.

Now is the time to get our life right with God, family and friends.  Treat them as you would like to be treated.  Give love to all at all times.  God loves us and his love is never ending.

Pastor Vern H. Haynes, Jr.

Vern’s book ” It’s Just A Thought” is on the Move

My book “It’s Just A Thought” has been accepted and placed on the book shelf of one of our local book stores.  The Christian bookstore called the “The Parable” located at 921 Rancho Parkway in Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420.

God is moving.

Book Signing/ “It’s Just A Thought”

Had a successful book signing on May 14th.  Major thanks to the Paso Robles Inn, Mayor Martin of Paso Robles and all my family and friends for sharing in this important time in my life. God Bless all those who came to support me and also those who purchased my book. I couldn’t tag everyone but remember I appreciate you all.

It’s Is Finished- “It’s Just A Thought”

In today’s world, we are bombarded with conflicting values and enticing images. As such, we can easily be drawn to make poor choices that can harm or destroy relationships in our families and with our friends along with pulling us away from our God. In this book, Pastor Haynes gives us wisdom with short, simple standards to live by in the spirit of Proverbs.

With Gods blessings and favor, He has blessed me to write this book.  See the Website “” for more information.

Christmas Program

Visited Life Community Church in Templeton with my Daughter and Granddaughter for their Christmas program.  Had a great time singing and praising the Lord.   What a way to bring Christians together to bring in Christmas.  Pastor Keith thanks for a great time.

Sunday Service

Offering Worship services every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Vineyard Elementary School
2121 Vineyard Dr
Templeton, CA 93465

Upcoming Events

Pastor Haynes Book
it's just a thought
Make a Donation
Worship Services Held At:
Office: Family Praise & Worship | 1244 Pine St, Paso Robles, CA 93446 | (805) 975-8594